UMass Boston

Writing Across The Curriculum Program

UMB跨课程写作(WAC)计划的主要任务是增加有效的存在, 跨学科的包容性写作指导,并支持整个大学的写作相关工作的联系和一致性. We offer faculty-to-faculty development workshops, resources, 和咨询,以帮助个别教师(“WAC教员研究员”)整合或改善自己课堂上的写作教学. 我们还为各部门提供专家指导和跨学科衔接点, programs, and courses, as well as host events to promote and celebrate writing and writing education.

Our Principles

  • Writing to Learn: Writing is a valuable method of learning for all students, both in specific courses and over an academic career.
  • Learning to Write: Student writers develop best when given recurring, sustained opportunities to write in a variety of genres, disciplines, and contexts.
  • 写作教学:所有学科的教师都可以在促进和指导学生写作方面发挥作用.
  • 写作与公平:写作指导和评估在制定和废除压迫制度方面发挥着关键作用.
  • 跨学科联系:来自不同学科的教师拥有并可以分享学科写作知识和实践.


Upcoming Events & Deadlines

Labor-Based Grading Workshop – August 12, 2024

如果你对基于劳动的评分感到好奇,并且想要帮助你概念化如何在你自己的课堂上应用它, this is the workshop you’ve been waiting for. 作文指导员(和经验丰富的劳动评分者)苏珊·菲尔德, Dan Messier, Brittany Peterson, 和布里塔尼·韦瑟比·格列柯将指导你如何使用这个评分系统与你的材料.

If you are interested, 请在下面的链接上注册,并从你自己的课程中选择1-3个写作作业,在周一的在线研讨会上进行修改, August 12th, from 2:00-4:00 p.m.

If you submit a revised assignment by August 19th, 你将从LBG写作团队那里得到反馈,并获得75美元(由UMB跨课程写作计划提供)

Register for the Workshop

Who We Are


Lauren Bowen, PhD (she/her) – Co-Director

劳伦是一名英语副教授,自2016年以来一直指导该大学的作文项目. She teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in composition, rhetoric, literacy studies, and writing pedagogy, and is the 2021 winner of the Manning Prize for Excellence in Teaching. Her published research areas include writing through the lifespan, disciplinary identity development, and age inclusivity in higher education. 

Matthew Davis, PhD (he/him) - Co-Director

Matt是一名英语副教授和前新媒体主任 & Professional Writing and Composition Tutoring programs. He teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in rhetoric & composition and writing research & pedagogy, with emphasis on digital culture. His research focuses on writing curriculum and pedagogy, especially in the areas of transfer, multimodality, and digital rhetoric. He is also the current co-editor of Composition Studies and of College Composition & Communication.

Janet Stevens, MA (she/her) - Associate Director

Janet is a Senior Lecturer II of English. 她教授写作、修辞学和美国文学的本科课程. Prior to this position, she was an assistant director of the Composition Program. 她在作文理论和教学方面有行政管理经验和专业发展, writing studies, and collaborative learning. 

Steering Committee

Kate Archard, MA (she/her)- 除了教学,凯特还担任管理学院写作项目主任.  In this role, she recruits, trains, 并在商务沟通(BC)课程中教授写作和沟通技巧. 她指导并监督学院写作评估的管理和评估.

Hadi Banat, PhD (he/him)

哈迪是一名英语助理教授,自2020年以来一直指导该校的ESL课程. He teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in research methods, multilingual composition, multicultural literacies, and ESL pedagogy. His published research areas include multilingual writing, intercultural competence assessment, infrastructure design in collaborative research teams, and writing program administration.

Betsabe (Betsy) Gomez, MFA (she/her)

贝特西是本科学习和写作能力的副主任. In this role, she manages the university’s Writing Proficiency Requirement, which assesses over two thousand students a year. She has taught creative writing, composition, and critical reading and writing. Prior to this role, 贝琪是东北大学预科项目的写作专家.

Rajini Srikanth (she/her)-- is Dean of Faculty and Inter-faculty Initiatives. 她负责教师在大学的整个职业生涯——从他们进入大学的那一刻起,直到他们退休. The Office for Faculty Development is under her purview, 她在办公室的战略愿景方面得到了13名内阁成员的支持(11名教员+副首席信息官+学生事务助理副校长). The OFD addresses the full spectrum of a faculty member’s needs, including professional development, personnel reviews, grant applications, and pedagogical matters. 斯里坎斯是英语系的终身教授,同时也教授人权辅修课程和批判种族与社区研究的研究生课程. 自1998年以来,她一直在这所大学工作,因此对校园的运营基础设施和各院系教师的需求有着广泛的了解. As Dean of Faculty, 她与系主任和学院院长密切合作,以确保她了解院系和学院的具体需求. Prior to assuming her position as Dean of Faculty, Srikanth担任跨学科荣誉学院院长八年,在此之前担任荣誉项目主任九年. 在这些职位上,她扩大并加强了所有部门之间的联系网络. Srikanth was on the steering committee of the previous Davis grant. 

Lauren Sullivan 是人类学系高级讲师,自2016年起担任通识教育中级研讨会协调员. Lauren has Ph.人类学博士,专门研究陶瓷分析,以便更好地了解社会等级制度的建立和崩溃,以及这些社会等级制度如何在考古记录中表达出来. She has worked at sites across Belize for 30 plus years.  Sullivan是开发EWRAP的前Davis拨款的指导委员会成员.

WAC Faculty Fellows Program

Each year, 选定的WAC教员研究员将获得一笔津贴,以便在一系列月度研究中进行合作, 以探究为基础的研讨会,考虑如何将写作作为一种学习工具,以及所有学科如何有助于学生作为作家的持续发展. 研讨会讨论参与的教师给项目带来的问题和挑战, 以及诸如:我如何在课堂上使用写作来支持学生对学科知识和写作惯例的学习? How do I establish an inclusive writing culture in my courses? How do I assess and respond to student writing? By the end of the program, WAC的教员们带着一套经过修订的课程材料和实施计划离开.